
Power drives & convertors

Power drives are often incorporated with powerful MV engines. The applications vary from heavy-duty conveyor belts, pumping equipment, production lines in metal and process industry to drives for railway equipment and vessels. The above are more and more driven by frequency converters, these require different types of disconnectors for maintenance, earthing- and bypass switching operations.

The following EME disconnectors can be installed in your power drive:

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This compact indoor disconnector is designed by EME for MV power drive applications where there is a special need for compact, solid and high endurance isolators.
This disconnector is available in combination with an earthing device, in 2- or 3- position execution, in high-endurance applications where up to 250.000 close - open cycles are requested, etc.


Disconnector for indoor use with endurance till 10.000 C-O for universal use in a broad AC and DC. With a minimal use of materials, maximum characteristics are obtained and with with a very competitive price as result.
This isolator is also available in combination with an earthing device, in 2- or 3- position execution, etc.
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Accessories (BR080)


Standard disconnector for indoor use with endurance class M0 (till 1000 C-O) which is very easy and quick adaptable thanks to his easy modular design.
This isolator is also available in combination with an earthing device, in 2- or 3- position execution, etc.
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The MV disconnector cabinets type IC are designed as envelope for EME disconnectors.
They'll be built completely according customer wishes and can be equipped with separate LV control box, synoptic/signalisation panel on the door, etc.
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Not found what you were looking for and/or you're looking for something very specifically like an appliance for marine-applications, specific corrosion environment, a switch with small breaking capacity, etc.
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